Compile a list of our key technology trends for 2011 has been pleasant. We achieved our 2010 forecasts and forward-looking view. Unfortunately, continued slow economic problems in 2010, the projected slowdown in consumer spending and growth. Again, the trends have not changed much on the technique, a quiet revolution. But do not be disappointed, the same trends, the new models, the way we do business revolutionize. As technology progresses, the numbers continue to drive IT investments. Companies need to implement common-sense improvements to infrastructure and prevent shine. The shine comes from consumer electronics this year, as mobile devices, better, cheaper and faster.
Cloud Computing - The application server provider (ASP) and Software-as-a-Service (SaaS), cloud computing is. Today more than ever, is a technology looking for a nickname, and the fish is a household name. We calculate all of the same cloud, if you do not fully understand the concept. Of our social media sites to our online backup for our online applications every month convinced that the work of the cloud. This type of calculation to the Internet will grow more and better services to offer competitive prices.
Mobile devices and applications - SmartPhones are considered one of the best products for the consumer. The use of mobile applications has been so common that the explosion of development in the hope of commercial success in the box, will bring even more applications for our mobile phones. Context-Aware Computing, which has been seen more than a decade of May 2011 was a watershed year.
Business Analytics - The amount of electronic data has become a Zettabyte (which is one followed by 21 zeros) and there is no end in sight. But the data has a shelf life and should be treated before the end to make sense or benefits. With the increasing computing power, a terabyte of data collected, measured and interpreted in real time allows to make quick decisions. Computer programs, algorithms and models used to make the processing speed to give the latest information. Business strategies and marketing tactics will be changed immediately to reflect the trends shown by the numbers. Business acumen is essential, as numbers continue to GIGO (garbage in - garbage out) can be controlled.
Work from anywhere - Driven by the growth and availability of bandwidth calculation and the clouds, we are able to support real business processes from anywhere. Files and documents will be migrated to the cloud, so that workers have at any time, anywhere access. Productivity tools, aid workers and at the same time, measures to increase the employer. Communications from all that more can buy, sell and entertain seamlessly. Tasks too complicated to be mobile will be carried out systematically over-the-go. Speech recognition is a necessary condition for hands-free environment.
Social Media - Transforming the way people communicate, personally and professionally, will continue unabated. Social media continues to be the darling of marketing. Of course, players will have to change when you turn the wheel fickle Fortune, but online social interaction is the future of human communication. We will find ways around it to be meaningful and effective, but it is still overloaded spam, fraud and information, as was the old way of communication - remember junk mail! The question of Social Media Consulting will continue and the best opportunities are anticipated for small businesses that provide services to its Fortune-500.
Absent from the list is Green IT and network computers intelligent. Green IT certainly has its place, but the economy has taken precedence administration. Smart grid initiatives are being developed, but the crystal ball is too cloudy to see if they are deep this year. We will continue to look for an intelligent network, because it is a promising new technology trends.